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About Us

Aadhav Sathyamurthy

Aadhav is the comedian of the team as you can see, he has a bag on his head. He is smart and witty. He is the chief motivator for his team. He is the chief scorerHis favorite pastime is solving Rubik’s cubes and playing soccer. He likes the show Stranger Things. His favorite food is Mexican and Indian vegetarian food. He makes very funny jokes!  He is the project manager. He has very bad luck with soccer because every team he supports ends up losing games very severely. He speaks five languages!

Diya Kumar

Diya is the Lead Coder for the team.  She also loves camping and is obsessed with Harry Potter and Taylor Swift. Her favorite colors are Blue, Black and Red.  She has been  a part of FIRST for 6 years. Her favorite animal is a Butterfly. She Plays the  Clarinet and the Bassoon. She is also a Scout and loves to read.


Paul Berendt

Paul is the leader of the R&D group for the team. He is bright and loves to build with breadboard electronics. Another main part of his life is music, because he plays three instruments. He likes mixing chemicals and watching them catch fire. His favorite food is pizza. 

Harjas Sidhu

Harjas Is the Chief Builder of the team. He likes to build with legos and fabricating custom parts for projects. He does projects that are useful but at the same time fun.  He likes to play Golf and Tennis. As you can see, Harjas is very good at golf.His favorite food is pizza. He likes to code stuff & once built a Rubik’s cube solver robot.





Brody Peters

Brody is the sponge, his job is to absorb information like a sponge. He plays the cello and piano, and has also completed one college music course. Brody’s favorite sport is soccer. His favorite food is steak.







Sarah Bowen

This is Sarah she the team webmaster and has been been in robotics for 4 years. She is a  Swiftie and loves everything Taylor Swift. She loves to collect Starbucks Tumblers and shop at Target. She enjoys swimming and watching hockey.  Her favorite colors are blue and pink. Her favorite subject is math.