


Our team did numerous outreach all through the season. We participated and volunteered at the KSS robotics summer camp to spread the awareness and understanding of First Lego League. We taught and helped built attachments and programming to more than 20 students


We participated at the Kirkland Strawberry Festival  to spread awareness about FIRST and FLL. This event was attended by more than 2000 people and we reached at least 200 students


We took part at the Aurora Truck and Tractor Night out to inspire new members to join the Aurora Robotics team, we also volunteered our time at our elementary school to start a noncompetitive Lego league at our school, and this effort benefitted more than 100 students in our school spread across 3rd 4th and 5th grades. We hope many of these students would become a part of the FLL next season.


We conducted and taught the advanced programming session at Rockwell Automation to teach advanced programming skills like the effective use of sensors, PID line follow, Line squaring among other concepts. This session was attended by more than 10 FLL teams.


We participated at the Kent Heritage Festival  to spread awareness about FIRST and FLL. This event was attended by more than 1000 people and we reached at least 150 students


  We also took part at the Great Lakes Science Center during the launch of the FRC season to demonstrate and spread awareness of FIRST and we demonstrated FLL robot and our projects to the visiting public and students to cultivate interest in STEM.


We also partnered with our Community organizations like “Aurora One Fund”  to help them stuff envelopes. We volunteer our time to the community through their initiatives as well

We have sparked eight new teams in Aurora alone & plan to inspire more young innovators to shape our world for the better. We love demonstrating the robot & sharing knowledge to people


We consider ourselves to be the ambassadors of FIRST in our community and are glad to be such a large influence of younger and newer teams.